Welcome to Nisha Hair Solution

Nisha Hair Solution Open -> 2001
We at Nisha Hair Solution in Delhi offer superior quality of non surgical hair fall treatment for irreversible male pattern baldness, Alopecia, patients undergo chemotherapy, hair fall and females who are suffering from thinning hair loss which can reversible through customized permanent or temporary solution according to your conditions and desireness at very nominal pricing. Today in this hectic world, hair fall is very common in everybody life and in future become cause of baldness due to irreversible cause of hair loss. This can be effect in your appearance, confidence and influence your social lifestyle. As per Medical research, it is common of 40 to 120 hair fall of follicles or strands per day. Due to a million s of hairs on the head it is impossible to be count and this fall to be impossible to notice. Because new hair follicles take place of hair fall strands automatically, however in some cases number of new strands not growing and your fall continues goes on that is dangerous and created baldness day by day. As a result, patients scalp become less of hair or baldness in very short period of time.

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Call us on +91- 099974 53199 for Get Your Own Hair Back!

Why Choose Us? What We Provide

We are in Delhi Based Company, we are had viable involvement in giving the best quality Hair Wigs for both, Men and Women. Most of our made hair pieces, wigs and decorations are exceptional in regard, quality and style. With our rich experience and learning in this space, we are enough tending to the necessities of our clients in both nearby and overall market.

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Our Services

Whether it is hair bonding and hair weaving, or a complete Nisha Hair Salon service, we also serve you your bald heads with the best products Which are made only without any harmful chemicals with dedicated services on board.

Call us on +91- 099974 53199 for Get Your Own Hair Back!

Who We Are?

Our clinic is a timely hairloss consultancy, patient care for man & women, provision of emergency care in standards hairloss treatment.

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What We Do?

We offer free consultations so that you do not feel obliged to take any services with us until you are happy that we can deliver.

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Our Mission

Our aim is providing services and treatments that really work. We strive for perfection, recognising the challenges that this presents.

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Haircare Experts

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Dr. Lillie Mcneill

Consultant Surgeon

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Dr. Martha Mauch

General Practitioner

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Dr. Melody Day

Hair Transplant Surgeopn

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